This talk of nannying and the children I love? Well, there's more.
Today I won a very competitive round of "Name That Baby Food: Jars SEALED Edition"...and let me tell you, folks, I got TEN out of TWELVE! Vacuum-sealed mac and cheese, I'd know you anywhere. Also the carrots, chicken dinner, peaches, green beans and peas. No mistaking those little suckers.
Then I went on to grill the mom-to-be on all her newest baby gear. Since it's totally my area. And I felt a little bad after I left because it was suddenly clear that I acted like the expert on nipples and carseats and breast pumps and diaper rash cream (versus ointment, even). And that was probably obnoxious. What can I say? Baby Bjorns are pretty much my life right now, and when I'm engaged in something as life-altering as wiping noses (and buns) all day, intense conversations about children are at the top of my brain.
Six months ago it was all I could hope for to be back with the kiddos, playing at the park all day long. And I'm still FOREVER glad I quit working for the EQ. She really was evil. But the grass is always greener, I guess.
In other, more grown-up (yet shallow) news, Dustin and I received our brand-new COUCH yesterday! Dustin can't enjoy it completely until he becomes my new roomie in June (ala the wedding day), but Kelsey and I will REAP it's benefits daily. Twice daily. Many times, daily.
It's HEAVENLY! I sat on it for approximately six hours, and there wasn't a leg cramp in sight. Until I can post a picture, let me tell you why it's an improvement:
1. It's chocolately brown, which somehow warms up our living room a whoooooole lot. I was worried it would make me feel even more claustrophobic in our cozy little apartment, but it doesn't. It just makes me want to have a dinner party. With TV trays, so we can all sit on it!
2. There are back pillows. Holla! Ikea can't even come close. And matching throw pillows. With orange and teal stripes. C-O-M-F-O-R-T.
3. IT HAS A CHAISE. That's correct. And it can be moved to either end. For maximum chaiseyness. Get on board the comfort couch.
Come on over, and you can lounge on my new couch, and I'll make you some tea.