Thursday, August 27, 2009

As We Clutch, As We Circle

From Kelly Corrigan's essay, "Transcending: Words on Women and Strength"

We will call and say “I heard the news” and whatever the news is, we will come running, probably with food...Eventually, someone who is not supposed to die will, maybe one of us, maybe a husband, God forbid a child, and all this celebrating and sharing and confessing will make certain essential comforts possible. We’ll rally around and hold each other up and it won’t be nearly enough, but it will help the time pass just a hair faster than it would have otherwise. We will wait patiently and lovingly for that first laugh after the loss. When it comes, and it will come, we will cry as we howl, as we clutch, as we circle. We will transcend, ladies. Because we did all this, in that worst moment, we will transcend.

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