Samantha Pennington, the doll that inspired me to pray for the repopularization of daily formal wear, is being laid to rest this Christmas. Pleasant Company is letting her go. After twenty years of being an AMERICAN GIRL DOLL. I'm just, shocked.
Too dramatic? Ask anyone who had one of these dollies and you will reconsider.
Oh my gosh Kelsey will be so upset, she loved her Samantha doll. Please don't tell me they have retired Kristin- I loved her plucky little Swedish spirit ;)
This IS pretty life-altering. It makes me want to pull out Samantha and all her outfits, furniture, and accessories from my parent's attic and just look at it all.
Also, you have single-handedly inspired me to start blogging again. Because your blog is just so damn good.
Wow, maybe this means that those dolls, clothes and overpriced accessories ad nauseum will increase in value and we can sell them on ebay and get rich!
This may put those 20 years in perspective: when AG was first marketing their dolls, they had a website, and we tried to get on it with dad's laptop, but it took about half an hour to load so we finally gave up. The internet has come a looooong way.
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